Distance of Closest Approach

Distance of closest approach:

Estimation of two size of nucleus (by Rutherford experiments or distance of closest approach).

Suppose an  ∝ - particle of mass m and initial velocity u moves directly towards the centre of the nucleus of an atom.

As it approaches the +ve nucleus, it experience a coulombic repulsions and its kinetic energy gets progressively converted in electrical energy.

At a certain distance ro from the nucleus the alpha particle stops for a moment and then begins to retrace its path. The distance ro is called the Distance of closest approach.

Initial kinetic energy of ∝ - particle

                K = ½ mu2

The electrostatic potential energy of alpha particle and nucleus at a distance ro is given by

                V = K. (q1q2/ro)                  K. (2eZe/ro)

At a distance of ro, K = U therefore

½ mu2 = K2Ze2/ro

ro = 4KZe2/mu2

Clearly radius of nucleus must be smaller than ro.


Related Keywords
12    PMT    Physics    Atoms    Distance of Closest Approach