Impedance triangle and Impedance

Impedance Triangle -->   A triangle which gives the relation between reactance ,resistance and Impedance is known as Impedance triangle

Impedance of LCR circuit

Z = R2 + (XL – XC)2)1/2

= (R2 + (2πf.L – 1/2πf.C)2)1/2

If f = 0           Z = ∞

f = ∞             Z = ∞  

If XL = XC        Z = R (min value of Z)

Z min = R when X2 = XC


2πfL = 1/2πfC

f = 1/2π(LC)1/2 = f0

f0 = 1/2π(LC)1/2

f0 --> Resonant frequency

(Irms)max = V/R = V/Zmin

Imax = V/Zmin


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