Fruit Formation
Fruit formation
The tissue of the ovary wall is stimulated to grow with development of seed. It produces a fruit wall or pericarp. In some cases thalamus and other floral parts also show proliferation alongwith development of ovary wall. They are called false fruits, e.g., Apple, Strawberry, Cashew nut. The fruits in which no part of flower develops - alongwith ovary are called true fruits. Some fruits also develop without fertilization. They are seedless fruits and are called parthenocarpic fruits. e.g., Banana. Parthenocarpy can be induced through the application of growth hormones like Auxins.
The first stimulus for fruit development comes from pollination while second stimulus is received from developing seeds and the third stimulus is provided by the availability of nutrients.
Advantages of Seeds
To plants
(i) Seeds - reserve food materials- nourish seedling
(ii) Seed coat- protection to young embryo
(iii) Seeds of large no of species –live for several years
(iv) Seeds - better adaptive strategies- dispersal to new habitats- better survival
To mankind
(i) used as food
(ii) seed are the basis of agriculture