Shapes of Atomic Orbitals

Shapes of Atomic Orbitals- (i.e. shapes of electron density)

1)Shape of s- orbit- (spherical symmetrical)- spherical in shape symmetrical around the nucleus.

Any ‘s’ orbital have (n-1) nodes. e.g.  1s=0, 2s=1, 3s=2, 4s=3.

2) Shape of p-orbital –(dumb-bell) – Unlike ‘s’ orbitals, p- orbitals have directional characteristics. All 3 p- orbitals have equal energies – called degenerate orbitals. Number of nodes in 2p=0, 3p=1, 4p=2

3)Shape of d- orbital-(double dumb-bell)


has doughment  shaped electron cloud in the centre where no nodal plane in of z2 as other have clover leaf shaped number of nodes in 3d=0, 4d=1, 5d=2.

Number of nodes in any orbit is calculated by (n-l-1)

s-orbitals have spherical nodes only. While p and d orbitals spherical as well as planar/angular nodes. Number of spherical /radial nodes= n-l-1

Number of planar/anqular nodes = l

Total number of nodes in any orbital = (n-1)


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