Unit Test of Mechanical Properties of Fluids and Thermodynamics



M.M 20

Q1. Define 

a)hook’s law b)Thermodynamic State Variable    c)Second Law of Thermodynamics

d)Young’s Modulus e)Pascal’s Law. 5

Q2. A liquid drop of diameter ‘D’ breaks up in to 27 tiny drops . Find the resulting change in energy . Given Surface Tension of liquid is ‘S’. 2

Q3. A solid float in water with ¾ of its volume below the surface of water. What is the density of solid?

Q4. Derive Accent Formula  for capillary tube. 3

Q5. Derive the expression of work done in an isothermal process. 3

Q6. Derive Bernoulli’s Theorem. 3

Q7.Draw and Explain Stress vs Strain Curve 2

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