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System of units : A complete set of units, both fundamental and derived for all kinds of physical quantities is called system of units. The common systems are given below (1) CGS system : The system is also called Gaussian system of units. In
System of units : A complete set of units, both fundamental and derived for all kinds of physical quantities is called system of units. The common systems are given below (1) CGS system : The system is also called Gaussian system of units. In it length, mass
Faraday connected a coil to a galvanometer and brought a magnet close to the coil or took it away form the coil. In both the case he observed deflection in the galvanometer.
EMF can be induced by every that mean is which flux linked with the conductor became varying. EMF induced in a straight conductor moving in the magnetic field. φ =BA 
Whenever a large conductor i.e. 2 dimension or 3 dimension conductor in placed in varying magnetic field an EMF is induced in it due to the find closed paths within concentric circular currents known as eddy currents. Eddy currents by nature are con
Consider a coil connected to a battery through a key. When the circuit is switched on the current starts growing through the coil and very soon acquires its maximum value. Duri
Whenever the primary circuit is switched on or off deflection is observed in the secondary circuit. At the time of switching on or the circuit the current in primary various wh
It is a device which works on AC. It is used to increase as decrease the magnitude of alternate voltage as alternating current. Principle :-
Ideal gas :- it is that gas which obeys the gas laws and obey ideal gas equation. Characteristics of ideal gas :-
Frictional electricity : The electricity developed by rubbing or friction is called frictional electricity. The rubbed substa
Charge --Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. Two kinds of charges : The following simple experiment proves these facts: Rub a gla
The study of electric charges in motion is called current electricity. Electric current :- the flow of electric charges through a conductor constit
Electromotive force:- the emf of a source is defined as the work done by the source in taking a unit positive charge from its lower po
Ohm’s law:- this law states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference ap
it is the property by virtue of which a conductor oppose the low of charges through it. SI unit of resistance is Ohm. 1 ohm is the resistance offered by a conductor if
It states that the force of attraction or repulsion between two stationary point charges is Directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of the two
Electric field: The electric field at a point is defined as the electrostatic force per unit test charge acting on a vanishingly small positive test charge placed at that point. Hence E͛
Electric field due to a point charge: As shown in fig. consider a point charge q placed at the origin o. we wish to determine its electric field at a point P at distance r form it. For this, imagine a test charge q0 placed at point p. according to
Different types of Continuous Charge Distribution : Volume Charge Distribution : it is charge distribution spread over a three dimensional volume or region V of space. Volume charge density at any point in this volume as the charge con
Electric Dipole: A pair of equal and opposite charges separate by a small distance is called electric dipole. Dipole Moment: It measures the strength of an eclectic dipole whose magnitude is either charge times the separation between t
Dipole field: The electric field produced by an electric dipole is called dipole field. Electric field at an axial point of an electric dipole: Consider an electric dipole consisting of charges +q and –q, se
Torque on a Dipole in a Uniform Field: consider an electric dipole consisting of charges +q and –q and of length 2a placed in a unifor
In a non-uniform electric field, the +q and –q charges of a dipole experiences different forces (not equal and opposite) at slightly different positions in the field and
Electric lines of force: An electric lines of force may be defined as the curve along which a small positive charge would tend to move when
Electric flux : The electric flux through a given area held inside an electric field is the measure of the total number of electric lines of
Applications of Gauss Law Electric field due to an infinitely long straight charged wire: Consider a thin infinitely
Physical Quantity. A quantity which can be measured and by which various physical phenomenon can be explained and expressed in form of laws of physics is called a physical quantity. For example length, mass, time, force etc.
Some Definitions and Units  Practical Units. (1) Length : (i) 1 fermi = 1 fm = 10–15m  (ii) 1 angstrom = 1Å = 10–10m = 10
Dimensions of a Physical Quantity. The powers to which fundamental quantities must be raised in order to express the given physical quantity are called its dimensions. To make it more clear, consider the physical quantity force
Application of Dimensional Analysis. (1) To find the unit of a physical quantity in a given system of units : In a dimensional formula, replacing M, L and T by the fundamental units of the required system we can get the un
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