Test of SST Social Studies 10th Class



S.ST () CLASS-10Th

Q1 Answer the following questions(Three marks each):

1.What is biodiversity?Why is biodiversity important for human lives?



2.What is water scarcity and what are its main causes?



3.The land under cultivation has reduced day by day.Explain its consequences.



4.Explain how water becomes a renewable resources.



5.Describe any three points how communities have conserved and protected forests and wildlife in India?



Q2.Answer the following long questions(Each question carry 5marks)

1Human activities affected the depletion of flora and fauna.Discuss.



2Describe how are modern adaptations of traditional rainwater harvesting methods being carried out to conserve water




3 Suggest the initiative taken by the govt.to ensure the increase in agricultural production.





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10th class    sst    test