Test of Motion in Straight Line


  1. What is relative velocity?
  2. What are dimensions?
  3. What is parallax?
  4. Give one case in which magnitude of velocity and speed of an object are same .
  5. Give relation between 1 parsec and 1 light year.
  6. What is the velocity of the object at time t=0 and t=2 which moves according to relation x=t2+2t+4.
  7. Draw graphs between (i) velocity and time (ii) position and time for a uniformly accelerated motion.
  8. What is the velocity of a ball thrown up at a speed of 100m/s after 3 sec.
  9. Write down answer in right significant digits (i) 5.26+6.2=?  (ii) 5.26*6.2=?.
  10. Derive expression for percentage in error in result of Divison of 2 quantities.
  11. Write down any 2 pairs of physical quantities whose dimensions are same.
  12. What are the limitations of Dimensional Analysis.
  13. Define following terms (i)Frame of reference (ii)Average Speed (iii)Reaction Time 
  14. Derive all three equations of motion using calculus method?
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