Test of Electrostatics and Current and Electricity


  1. Define Quantization of charge.
  2. What is Dielectric constant? What is meant by dielectric constant of water is 81.  
  3. State Gauss theorem.
  4. Define KVL.
  5. What is the principle of Potentiometer?
  6. Why two equipotential surfaces cannot intersect each other.
  7. What is the value of electric field at a point just outside a hole bored inside a uniformly charged shell.
  8. Why cannot we measure e.m.f using a voltmeter.
  9. What are the factors on which internal resistence of a cell depends.
  10. Derive the expression for energy density between the plates of a charged capacitor in terms of E.
  11. Find equivalent resistance between A and B.
  12. Derive the expression for potential due to a point charge. 
  13. In the adjoining circuit, the battery E1 has as emf of 12 volt and zero

 internal resistance, while the battery E has an emf of 2 volt.

 If the galvanometer reads zero, then what is the value of resistance X.

14. Explain any three applications of potentiometer.

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