Small Test of Physics Basics

1.What is the difference between Ao and A.U.? [1] 

2.Name physical quantities whose units are electron volt and pascal? [1] 

3. When a planet X is at a distance of 824.7 million kilometers from earth its 

angular diameter is measured to be 35.7211 of arc. Calculate the diameter of ‘X’. 


9. E, m, p and G denote energy, mass, momentum and gravitational 

constant respectively. Determine the dimensions of E2 m5/p7G


11. The density of cylindrical rod was measured by the formula:- 2

P=4m/πD2 l

 The percentage in m, D and l are 1%, 1.5% and 0.5%. Calculate the % error in 

the calculated value of density?

Related Keywords
test    physics