Science Exam Sample Paper for 1st Semester 6th Class

Time :- 3 hours                                         M.M-90







                                                            Each question carries 1 mark.                                                  1x9=9


1. Some animals usually eat the dead bodies of other animals what are they called?

2. Cotton grows best in ..............soil of south India.

3. Name one biodegradable fiber?

4. Name one gas which is soluble in water?

5. Which apparatus is used to cool the liquid vapour during distillation?

6. Can you get burnt paper back to its original form? Why?

7. What is saturated solution?       OR

Name the method which is used to speed up sedimentation?

8. Name one celled living organism?

9. A diet contain the proper amounts of nutrients is called a............... balanced diet.





                                                              Each question carries 2 marks.                                                      2x11=22

10. In what way scavenger is useful to us?

11. What are protective foods?

12. List two uses of jute?

13.Why window panes are made up of glass?

14. What is the difference between compound and element?

15. Why are objects at distance seen more clearly after rain?

16.What is catalyst?

17.Growth is increase in size .It is physical or chemical change? Explain ?

18.How do prop root helps the plant?

19.What is pollination?

20. Give one example of stimulus and response?  or 

      How autotrophs different from heterotrphs?




                                                           Each question carries 3 marks                                            3x8=24


21. What are deficiency diseases? Name two deficiency diseases and associated nutrients?

22. How is silk obtained?

23. How are teeths of carnivores different from those of herbivores?

24. List three properties of mixture?

25. Explain the difference between physical change and chemical change?

26. List three ways in which living thing reproduce?

27. Explain the difference between tap root and fibrous root?

28. Explain the difference between miscible and immiscible liquids?




                                                                  Each question carry 5 marks                                                5x5=25

29. Draw the diagram of section of flower showing sepals, petals, stamen and pistil?

30. Explain the importance of following vitamins for body.

      (a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin C (c) Vitamin D (d) Vitamin K

31. List four ways in which organism exchange gases for respiration with one example of each?

32. Define density how it is related to floating and sinking?   Or

     What is the difference between transparent and opaque objects? Give two examples of each. How                  will you make paper translucent?

33. Explain with the help of diagram how can a mixture of oil and water be separated?





Multiple choice questions. Choose the most appropriate answer.                                                    1x10=10


1. Which of these eats food digested by other animals?

  (a) Cow                          (b) Lion                                  (c) cockroach                                    (d) tapeworm.

2. Which mineral is necessary for formation of string bones and muscles?

  (a) Iron                          (b) calcium                            (c) Phosphorus                                 (d) Potassium

3. Which of these is a leading producer of wool today?

  (a) Germany                (b) Australia                          (c) New Zealand                                (d) U.S.A

4. The state of matter which has definite volume but not fixed shape?

 (a) Solid                        (b) liquid                                (c) gas                                                  (d) none of these.

5. A commonly used chemical for loading.

 (a)hydrogen                (b)alum                                  (c) sulphur                                           (d) common salt

6. Which of these is an irreversible change?

  (a) Melting of ice      (b) melting of wax               (c) boiling of water                            (d) burning of wax

7. Which is the quickest source of energy?

   (a) Sugar                    (b) starch                               (c) protein                                           (d) fat 

 8. Which method is used to obtain pure liquid from solid?

   (a) Distillation          (b) Condensation                 (c) filtration                                         (d) loading

9. The spine of cactus plants are modified 

   (a) Stem                     (b) leaves                              (c) digestion                                         (d) growth

10. During which process energy is released?

   (a) Respiration          (b) feeding                           (c) digestion                                          (d) growth.







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science    exam    sample paper    6th class