7th Class Science Exam




M .Time = 3 Hrs. M.M=90


Choose the most appropriate answer. 10

  1. Exchange of gases in plants takes place through the 
  1. Stomata    (b)Roots  (c)Buds   (d) Entire leaf surface 
  1. Which of the following are the tiny filtering units of the kidney?
  1. Ureter (b) Urethra (c) Nephrons (d) Bladder 
  1. Which of these develops into the seed?
  1. Pollen grain  (b)Ovary (c) Ovule (d) Pollen tube
  1. Which of these is not a standard unit?
  1. Second (b) Metre (c) Gram (d) Hand Span
  1. Of Which of the following states of India  is most likely to be hit by a cyclone?
  1. Punjab (b) Madhya Pradesh  (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Jammu &Kashmir
  1. Which of the following images can a convex lens NOT produce?

(a)real &magnified (b) Virtual ,magnified (c) erect , virtual (d) erect , diminished

  1. Which of these appliances does not use an electromagnet?

 (a) washing machine (b) refrigerator (c) electric bell (d) room heater 

  1. Which of the following does a forest NOT do?
  1. Supply oxygen (b) supply carbon-di –oxide (c) cool the air (d) increase rainfall
  1. The solid matter produced during sewage treatment is 
  1. Slurry (b) fertilizer (c) sludge (d) humus
  1. 10.What is the common name of sodium bicarbonate?
  1. Phitkari (b) baking soda (c) caustic soda (d)blue vitrol



All questions are compulsory. Each question carry 1 mark. 12 

  1. What are the quantities that can be measured called?
  2. Turmeric turns ______________ in acidic solution.
  3. The substance present in blood which transport oxygen is ___________
  4. Oxygenated blood is found on the ____________side of the heart .
  5. What is the process of fusion of male cell and egg cell  called ?
  6. An object moves to –and fro about its position of rest .What type of motion is this?
  7. When air expands , it rises up. True/False
  8. Name the triangular piece of glass that splits white light into different colours.
  9. Which of these has a smaller focal length--------------a thick lens or thin lens
  10. 10.Which effect of current does the filament in electric bulb utilize?
  11. 11.Building s and roads reduce _________ of water by the soil.
  12. 12.Name one decomposer that is not a microorganism.



All questions carry 2 marks each. 24

  1. What is excretion? Why is it important?
  2. Give two main uses of sulphuric acid.
  3. Name and explain in one sentence each the two process of respiration.
  4. What are the hazards associated with a cyclone?
  5. Distinguish between uniform and non uniform motion.
  6. What are the reasons for lowering of the water table in cities?
  7. What is a food chain? Explain with one example.
  8. Why it is necessary to treat sewage before disposing it off in a water body?
  9. How are natural springs of water formed?
  10. 10.Explain the difference between real and virtual images.
  11. 11.What is a miniature –circuit breaker?
  12. 12.When does a seed start germination?


             All questions carry 3 marks each. 24

  1. How is sexual reproduction different from asexual reproduction?
  2. How does exchange of gases occur in the following(A) FISH (B) COCKROACH.
  3. Draw a typical distance –time graph for uniform motion.
  4. How can you increase the magnetic strength of a solenoid?
  5. State the position and nature of images formed by a convex lens for the following positions of the object:-a) Between O & F (b) Between F & 2F (c)  Beyond 2F


Explain the principal focus with the help of ray diagram in relation to the convex lens.

  1. List 3 ways in which forest are useful.
  1. If you observe a drop of blood under a microscope , which cells would you see? What are the functions of these cells?
  2. Mention  three ways that can be used for sewage disposal if a proper sewage treatment plant is not available .

SECTION-E     All questions carry 5 marks each. 20


  1. What is vegetative reproduction? What are the advantages of vegetative reproduction?
  2. Draw a labeled diagram of the urinary system showing and explaining its various organs.


  1. What is dialysis?
  2. What process take place during period when blood  enter the kidneys till the urine leaves the body?
  1. What is an Electro-magnet  ? Give 3 uses of electromagnet.


  1. Explain the working of a simple electric bell with the help of labeled diagram..
  1. A) How can carbon-di –oxide be prepared from an acid?

B) Give 2 main uses of Ammonium hydroxide.



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7th class    exam    science