Introduction Of Nitro compounds

Introduction and nomenclature of aliphatic nitrocompounds

Functional groups containing nitrogen are present in a variety of naturally occurring and man made organic compounds. These functional groups impart physico- chemical characteristics to these molecules. These groups are responsible for their unique chemical reactivity patterns and play crucial roles in the preparation of drugs, agrochemicals, dyes and molecules of life. There are many functional groups, which contain one or more nitrogen atoms. Some categories of compounds based on these functional groups include nitro compounds, amines, cyanides, isocyanides and diazo compounds.


Nitro compounds

Nitro compounds are characterized by the presence of nitro group (-NO2) in their molecules. They may be aliphatic or aromatic compounds according to whether the nitro group is attached to alkyl or aryl groups.

R - NO2 Aliphatic nitro compounds

Ar - NO2 Aromatic nitro compound

The aliphatic nitro compounds may be further classified into primary, secondary or tertiary nitro compounds according as the nitro group is attached to primary, secondary or tertiary carbon atom respectively.

The nitro group is an ambident group and is capable of getting attached to carbon chain through nitrogen.

as well as through oxygen (-O - N = O) atom. The compound in which the -NO2 group is linked to the alkyl or aryl group through oxygen atom are called nitrites. Nitrites are isomeric with nitro compounds.


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